Thursday, November 24, 2011

You are the one...

The day of the year we are supposed to reflect on what we are thankful for. Everyone's posting their Happy thanksgiving...I'm thankful for... as their facebook status. Television airtime is taken up by sappy thanksgiving or even Christmas movies. and of course, football. What am I thankful for? I'm thankful for having a roof over my head. For having roommates who put up with my shit. Mostly because I try to stay out of their hair, and rent is cheaper with more of us here. What else? "Friends" Who don't really like me, who talk so much shit behind my back it's almost unbearable. The ones who are real friends have moved on to bigger and better things, leaving me behind. Family who only pretend to care to keep up the fucking illusion. When really they, a lot like the "friends" think that I'm a fuck up to say the least. Sometimes I wonder what they would do if I disappeared. I really don't think that anyone would notice, until rent time came around. Maybe when I didn't show up for work, for a couple of days. one of my favorite websites is becoming an archive. It's fitting really the one thing I turned to when I didn't think I could hack it anymore, the people who without even knowing it, kept me going for a little longer, ceases to exist. I can still go back to the old stand by. It's just not the same. Things are changing for better or for worse. I fear it's for the worse not the better. I can feel myself sinking further. And I still haven't learned to swim.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

A moment of clarity.

It all makes sense now. On one hand I don't think you were lying. You got the attention and the distance you wanted without complaint. Maybe you payed more attention than I gave you credit for. It could just be my sleep deprived brain grasping at anything that would show me the truth. Struggling to find some answer. You knew. You knew what most wouldn't pay much attention to. Maybe you needed it too. You gave me what I wanted. But yet it was you who I blamed. I wanted this. I begged for it. It wasn't anyone's fault really. There was nothing to be faulted for. Twisted some may say but that doesn't make the need any less urgent.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

There's the truth, then there's this...

A Maneater? Seriously? Did anyone stop to think it's the other way around. I mean, come on now, who in their right mind would stay away from love so much that they chew people up and spit them out. Why I know that some people do this but that's just not in my nature. Sure i've had one night stands. I've done things i'm not proud of. Hasn't everyone? Done something that you're not proud of? Well here I can't help that everyone knows about everything that goes on. No matter how private things are supposed to be. I suppose that's everywhere. It's human nature to talk right? But what comes of the people you are talking negitively about? Do you think about how what you're saying makes them feel when it gets back to them? Do you ever think about anyone other than yourselves? The urban dictionary gives several definitions to a maneater but one of them says something about a man eater is making a guy fall for you then throwing them away. Why is it that guys always get this sympathy thing? like they are the only ones who have any feelings. They have the three F's. Find em Fuck em Forget em. What do girls have? Slut, Hoe, Whore, Maneater. What if we are the ones who are trying to find something? grasp on to things but we're the ones who are chewed up and spit out like we're nothing. Around only so those who use us can satisfy their primal urges so to speak. Have you ever stopped to think why she's doing anything in the first place? Maybe it is in fact to satisfy some primal urge burried deap down inside all of us. Maybe on the other hand it's to try to fill a void that someone else left. A void so big that it'll never be filled. Something that people try their whole lifetime to acheive. I've heard that it's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. I know now that it is all bullshit. You can't trust anyone. Love doesn't exist. Everyone is looking out for themselves, basic primal instinct I suppose. We're all human after all.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Tell Me You Forgive me...

I can't sleep yet again. I've lost count of how many day's it's been. It can't be healthy. I have no purpose, no direction, no focus. No reason to sleep, no reason to awake. I don't want to be around anyone at all. Yet I'm so lonely it's unbearable.
My photos are empty. Even the posters. All of them, left with empty backgrounds. A reminder of things lost. Things I let go. Things I want back so terribly but all I can do is set and stare at them. Wanting the answers to questions I'm not prepared to ask.
When I do sleep, there is no rest. Tossing and turning. To be awake feels as though I'm dreaming. Nothing seems real. Though I can sense that something is coming. All of this has to be leading up to something. Maybe it's nothing.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Where do I belong forever, In Who's arms, the time and place

Here I am again. Talking. Pretending you were mine. Pretending you can be mine once again.
I know that's a lie. The biggest lie I've ever told. He's not you, I can't try to pretend.
The little piece of you i've kept is eating away at me. I don't know why.
You are self absorbed, whiney, cocky...without any merit at all...but yet you are the one i seem to be stuck on.
I have my choice of boys or girls, but you are the one I come back to.
I hate every part of you. The excuses, the constant state of being intoxicated in some sort.
But I love the me around you. The one who knows who they are, where they belong in this world. What they should be doing.
Is this what everyone talks about? Is this the feeling? Am I just completley insane? Maybe just a bitch. Whatever it is maybe I need to try again.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

You can let me go now, or let me go later, either way it all ends the same way for you.

It's you all over again.
This time the rolls are reversed. At least I think they are.
I'm probably wrong, that's normaly the case.
I think I could get used to him. That sounds crazy of me, but it's true.
Is it that he reminds me of you? I really hope that's not the case.
I have a feeling I am going to see you again, soon.
That's going to fuck my head up. I can tell.
The rolls have reversed. You can come and go as you please.
I'm content either way.
I hope.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

You need to know this is where the promise breaks

I'm Left with a thought of what might have been.
you think it's okay to show back up and tell me these things now? What right do you have? You try to say it's things that i did but I did nothing but show you every bit of attention you have ever wanted. You made me feel as though i was important. You told me this evening that I actually was. i have a feeling you were lying once again. You did mention you were getting better at it.
What Was I thinking? The only reason you were talking to me is because tonight, I looked just like you always wanted. I had a feeling that i would see you for some reason. i should have known to go with my gut feeling to just stay in. You don't know what you do to me. You never will. Tonight i wanted to tell you that you were wrong. That is what i wanted and as soon as i found the courage to tell you then, you ran. Why? I'm not perfect, i never claimed to be. You however, were farther from it than i ever imagined. I can't say i expected any less from you. Though I guess you would blame this on me as well.
"Oh Darling, Please believe me I'll never do you no harm"
Maybe you were better at lying than i ever gave you credit for. Though your eyes always told the truth. i suppose in my own little world i knew...I knew how you felt. I knew that i could say something and you would be mine. Always? probably not but that isn't what mattered.
"When You told me you didn't need me anymore, you know i nearly laid down and died..."
It was me tonight who stopped you. You told me what I knew from your eyes but chose to ignore. And it was me that disreguarded the fact that you said anything. I just focused on the faint sound of the radio. Fitting it seemed, and yet even in the state i was i couldn't say anything.
They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. i can see that yours is beautiful beyond just about anyone's I've ever seen, but there is a cloud of regret, saddness, and self lothing so strong it's almost unbearable. Maybe next time i will Realise, they do remind me of you. all in some sick twisted way, that maybe i missed my chance at some warped form of happieness. I guess that's my loss. The time has passed. You can't change who you've become. I

Sunday, April 17, 2011

You're going to be trouble, i can tell

We talked about why it was a bad idea if we were to get together. You brought it up, not me. Why? Now you have me wondering if it is really that bad of an idea. We discussed that if we were to do so it would be either the best or the worst. Which is pretty vague. It seemed as though we were trying to convince ourselfs more than anything. You asked why i was holding back. I couldn't tell you although I knew that it wouldn't matter. You already knew.
I stopped to think are you this way with everyone? All of the little girls who throw themselves at you? The ones who only know this persona you put on. the ones that you know are only doing this to say they did. or is it just me the one who knew you before. The one who still comes around time after time even though their heart cracks a little more each time. The one who pretends because pretending is the closest to the real thing they can have and probably will ever have. Sometimes I hope you make it, Get everything you've worked so hard for. Everything you have dreamed of. I hope you look back when that does happen and when you feel more lonely than you have ever imagined you could possibly be, and you remember me. Not them. And know that the reasons they all left you, the reasons you think you are alone, are my favorite part.
Though I have a feeling i'll be the one telling the story when I see your poster, or hear a song on the radio of "I used to know him. All of them. We were friends at one point. and him. I don't know why but he kept me around for so long breaking my heart, he would still have it if he wanted it. But he's probably changed for the worse I'm sure it's gone much farther than the last 'change'. I'm sure he's forgotten. I wonder if he actually remembers any of it at all."