Friday, June 11, 2010

Merry Christmas

How could something so simple be so perfect? It's hard to believe that earlier this evening I was back to wishing I would have left that first night. The farther things progress the more I feel as though I should be filming or writing everything that goes on. Things are far from perfect but they seem to have that near perfection in all of the tragically adorable stories.

Bright Eyes. Never again will I be able to listen to Bright Eyes and be sad. Every time I come across one of my awful emo mix tapes as you call them I can't help but to smile. Every time someone says Hi I get lost once again in the moment where I was glad I didn't leave.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I don't know just where I'm going but i'm gonna try...

Main Entry: 1end
Pronunciation: \ˈend\
Function: noun
1 a : the part of an area that lies at the boundary b (1) : a point that marks the extent of something (2) : the point where something ceases to exist
2 a : cessation of a course of action, pursuit, or activity b : death, destruction c (1) : the ultimate state (2) : result, issue
3 : something incomplete, fragmentary, or undersized : remnant
4 a : an outcome worked toward : purpose b : the object by virtue of or for the sake of which an event takes place
(Thank you )

The End. It's where I always seem to start. I suppose on one hand it makes sense, one ending is another beginning as they say. Here I am once again, at the end. At the end, trying to work my way back to a beginning of some sort. Therein the question lies, am I ready for this whole circle of ending and beginning? Letting go always proves to be very difficult, almost as hard as grabbing on. Letting go and running are two very different things but there is a very fine line between them. Most of the time I don't even realize where that line is until I've crossed it. When that does happen I am left looking over my shoulder wondering what could have been.
So much time is spent looking back that I'm almost positive that important things are missed that are right in front of me. Things that one would trip over. I seem to always fall and not realize it until it happens, which is I guess the way falling works.